Flying - letter from another world, postcard from another time @carine roth

Voler - letter from another world, postcard from another time @carine roth


Assuming an inconsistency, one of many - Manifesto for criminal activity. a drawer, I found this text (photo) written around the age of 20 perhaps...


The climate crisis is not a climate crisis. It's a crisis of human activities(Aurélien Barrau)

For a moment, we thought something was moving. But it didn't. We just changed the color, or the speech...

The size of the lie is frightening. While our brains float a little inert against the backdrop of Covid and the heatwave, the world goes from murmur to rumble.

Muffled rumblings of volcanoes, forest fires, collapsing glaciers, violent storms, social upheavals and injustices mingled with the mean and stupid absurdity of war. And from North to South, the same people suffer again and again under the delirious actions of those who exploit them with the good conscience of righteousness and the New Age stupidity of empty rhetoric or the obvious bad faith of political discourse.

A sad joke, to be sure. But how can we align ourselves, change, evolve, dare to tip over to the side of the living? On what scale, from where. With what inconsistencies....


Today, talking about flying...

Because stealing has become really bad.

How to justify such an activity, such a selfish choice?

I tell myself that any justification is absurd.

I watch bees fly in the dawn of a medical night.

She pollinates the flowers by picking them... Such a gentle and powerful example of inter-species collaboration, of this web of life.

I look up at the sky, a plane is flying by high up in the blue sky...

And yes, I'm smiling, I was born in 1971, I'm now almost an old lady, and I have no idea how it happened!

But yes, I belong to a category of people who have flown so much, traveled so much... As much as possible, as far as possible... Long before low-cost airlines and other easyjets, long before flying was trivialized... and travel turned into a weekend selfie and shopping activity.

By train, by bike, on foot, hitchhiking, by boat, by plane... I've traveled to several continents, meeting other cultures, societies and human beings. On the road for weeks, months at a time.

I didn't start a family, I didn't build a house, I didn't have a career... I traveled.

And each time I've shared what I've discovered, trying to bring my share of understanding and affection to the difference, to the unknown who becomes a dear friend.

So there you have it, manifesto for criminal activity... Eating meat, streaming movies, driving around town in a car... We can talk about that. The personal level. And not talk about the lie of a system that refuses degrowth and the abandonment of the capitalist system of exploitation of the weakest in the name of sickening profits. We can say to ourselves that if everyone does something, it will be better. Or despair and take advantage while the going's good. We can have a thousand ideas and ways of making sense. Each with its flaws and beauties and absurdities.

My inconsistency is right there, the one I want to clarify here among so many others: I love flying, I love traveling more than anything, it's part of my life. I choose to travel far and wide, and if possible for a long time, and to offset my co2 emissions by financing tree-planting, I spend part of my life facilitating the link between humans and nature to rediscover a wisdom that treats the world as a living being, I feel emotions with a sensitivity that devastates me and I know how serious the situation is, and, I fly...

This morning in ceremony, I look up into the blue sky at that plane flying there, and I find it miraculous. We've invented a flying machine! What a dream, what a talent, dear sweet Humanity...

So there you have it, I have no excuses and don't wish to justify the unjustifiable.

But yes, I fly, I create programs that invite you to come and meet Africa and the American wilderness, yes I fly, sticking my face to the window to see the earth from the sky, singing melodies to the angels who walk on the cloud layer when we fly in the blue sky above the greyness, praying when the stars light up, feeling my heart so full of love for our clumsy earthlings, yes, I fly to fly, and despite the years I'm still as amazed as ever that it's possible. I don't like technology, I hate the cloud and the way everything has to go faster no matter where.

But I love with all my heart travel and the madness of this criminal act, flying when you have no wings.

And I have no excuses.

a big kiss


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