01 Jan A year on the Medicine Wheel of Human Nature april 2023 - april 2024
A year on the Medicine Wheel of Human Nature
The 4 directions of human nature, heaven, earth and heart.
Personalized ecotherapy support
Carine Roth
Ecopsychologie appliquée - Spiritual Ecology - Sagesse de la Terre - Partage de savoirs et d'expérience - Appartance au vivant.
This program is an invitation to listen to the depths and recall to ourselves the common sense and wisdom of the earth, of living beings, of cycles and seasons. A year-long journey of transformation in tune with the cycle of human nature, a personal and collective adventure, a non-linear path that spirals us towards the center of the heart.
This cycle is both a discovery of the richness of the *human nature medicine wheel and apersonalized animisticecotherapy accompaniment.
Are you looking to meet and explore nature's intelligence? Are you looking for ways to situate yourself in life and in the world? Or how to identify blockages or weaknesses in your life and approach them with curiosity rather than judgment or criticism? In a space of spirituality and inclusiveness?
Then maybe this cycle is for you.
In practice, we meet 4 times in Nature in a small group (4hours) and 5 times individually online (30-45min).
This year on the Medicine Wheel is an invitation to work humbly and sincerely on ourselves and our place in the world as human beings. An exploration and an investment over time, to give myself a tool for belonging and orientation and, perhaps, a better understanding of who I am and what my role is in this time of great transitions. To remind myself of what I've already known for a very long time: how to be in the world and fully belong to it.
*according tothe work of Meredith Little and Steven Foster
Dates for meetings in Nature (Lake Geneva region, Jura):
- May 21 2:00-6:00 pm with prompt, medicine walk and stories from the South, ETE
- September 17 2:00-6:00 pm with prompt, medicine walk and stories from the West, AUTUMN
- December 17 10:00-14:00 with prompt, walking medicine and stories from the North, WINTER
- March 24, 2024! 10:00-14:00 with prompt, medicine walk and stories from the East, SPRING.
Appointments 1:1, dates to be agreed:
Together, we schedule 1:1 online appointments for 30-45 minutes of conversation and mentoring.
- April 2023, intro and contact, work on intention.
- early August, check-in, western conversation and sharing the sit spot after the May meeting, southern fruits.
- early november, check-in, northern conversation and sit spot sharing, western fruits
- early february 2024, check-in, eastern conversation and sit spot sharing, northern fruits
- early april 2024, check-in, end of cycle and fruits of the east.
Solo practice of the "Sit Spot" for each direction, between exchanges.
Our tools and lessons:
- Human Nature Medicine Wheel
- self-generated rituals to unblock energy or put your life back on the wheel in motion and balance
- the healing power of storytelling and deep listening
- the art of questioning with kindness
- deep-sea ecology
- the practice of medical walking
- the web of all relationships.
In order to:
find your bearings with the ancient wisdom of the medicine wheel of human nature
provide a fundamental compass in these times of great change.
regenerate your link with life and find your rightful place
honor and care for right relationships, with ourselves and with the whole fabric of life, visible and invisible.
give yourself a year of deep ecology practice.
discover a different way of listening and being in the world.
participate fully in life and offer the gift of full presence
Places are limited to 6 people.
A deposit of200,- chf guarantees your registration, payment in instalments possible for the balance of the cycle.
Deposits and registrations: your registration is validated after you have contacted me by email and paid a deposit of 200,- chf to ccp 10-117315-3. IBAN : CH34 0900 0000 1011 7315 3, carine roth, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.
Price for 9 appointments:
Floor price: 680.- to 800.- chf
Equilibrium price: 800,- to 960,- chf
Support price: 960,- to 1200,- chf
(Monthly payment available on request)
"The Eyes of the Future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time ."
Terry Tempest