in the meantime ©carine roth

meanwhile carine roth

in the meantime...

a blog of days up there in confinement, exploring, feeling, letting go, releasing without abandoning oneself.

As the days go by, a mountain torrent.

wednesday, may 13, 2020, planet earth.

Here we are.

So, we end this stage, this pause, closing this chapter before the next.

Pandemic 2020, chapter I,

or close to it.


With Elen Musk's satellites, we're back to our indigeneity.

We are the natives of this earth, the earthlings, facing a globalized system of domination whose ultra-violence we have not yet even sensed, sniffed out...


Cultural appropriation stops there.

My mortifying, debilitating culture has created this monster that surpasses it.

Here we are,

now we can draw inspiration from indigenous struggles and ingenuity...


And while the apes in zoos panic at the sight of us wearing masks to hide our intentions, the intentions of our lips and teeth,

while part of humanity goes hungry, not because there's no food, but because they lack a paper concept in their pockets,

while the trauma felt has yet to show even the tip of its edge,

while Spring is here.

satellites continue to ascend into a nightless, dreamless sky?


On the remains of a dying civilization,

planet of the apes,

stand up, with a smile on your face, straight and true, and whisper gently, with kindness, in the spirit of right relations with the living, whisper softly and more and more audibly:

"No thanks"

With power comes responsability

With responsability comes vulnerability


become visible

become animal

hold your own


day of silence

The desire to tell you "please shut up, shut up, shut up, listen"...

Noise... human voices, human activities...



Unbearable now.


Non-humans seem to make so little of this I-I-I noise.

Get inspired.




Con finé

De con finé

If only it were that simple!


What are we going to "do", be,



Infinite sadness, a crisis of feeling,

vulnerable, tender, endless, the link that binds us together,

please... shut up, shut up please.



this new story that wishes to be born there


day of prayer

A few drops

Fawn scent
On the ground
Water song
Hope that can't be extinguished
Seeds of
Cosmos Flowers
Thank you

day in bed

headache, chills, sore throat, pain all over...

Body water, a blessing.

Taking care, taking refuge...

Wenè Mu, "resting place" (Chumash Indians Language)--------WENè MU


The stories that heal, those of the mountain, the stream, the ancestors there, stones, plants and non-humans, dreaming, the visions between realities. All is love, choose what grows on you.

Let go of those who confine or restrict you,

choose what grows on you.

Radical joy in cosmic mourning,


You can choose to fly free and high, my dancing eagle.


Love, that's all you need.

"What other species now require of us is our attention. Otherwise, we are entering a narrative of disappearing intelligences."
- Terry Tempest Williams, Finding Beauty in a Broken World

Easter Day

Dawn water
Calling the rain
That infuses not carries away
Thank you


Monday day

Monday, earth dragon...


guerrilla and counter-guerrilla warfare.


Slowly, something seems to take shape in the liminal cells.

Will I dare to shake things up, am I capable... wait, listen, listen, listen....


...tenderness, gratitude, it's all there, just waiting for you.


Beauty of the world, you are loved and loved, just as you are...

ok ok.


Saying no...


No, no.

A gentle, hopeful no,

a Non full of tenderness and resilience.


No, Europe isn't Trump's USA, no politics isn't just a farce of the global economy.

No, no, it's okay, it's fine.


Guerrilla warfare, counter-band warfare, resistance warfare.

Yes to Life.


The very beginning of the path...

Gratitude. Prayers of gratitude. Embracing everything, again and again. Joy. Simplicity.

Thank you.


river day

the song of water


"The song of rolling stones

like a drum.

thank you


gently, gently, without drama or revisiting the trauma,

soft as the eyes of water: remember...

 Roszak eight principles of ecopsy

day emptied

and here, as agreed

the beginning of inconsistency

collapse of meaning




while here, the ancestors fall

human and non-human


Large, standing dead Beings, falling in slow motion, in tree time, almost without a sound.


so far from the hustle and bustle of life.

In the margins


Speechless ghosts.

Twice dead, from our arrogant and idiotic ignorance


Yes, take the time to realize that "you're not well..."


day of mourning

"a sign is a conspiracy of events".

thank you

that's all


the day it snowed

here it is.

that's all.

follow tracks,

a beating heart,



what can you say about a race that invented

the repeating rifle,

chemical weapons,

barbed wire...


and dares to call others savages.

sunday on earth

Be kind, kindness.

It doesn't just mean being nice, but being good...

Be kind, generous, strong.

Give yourself, share yourself.

Everything you give you receive, since giving is receiving.

Be kind.

Dare to trust yourself to offer all of yourself, all of yourself.

Celebrating a sacred union, of yang and ying, of what knows and what feels, senses, senses, present.

There, exactly there, you are complete, you are whole, you are everything, your capacities at last at the service of the call of your Being.

You are divine, you are divine.

Opposites unite in a circle where nothing opposes and extremes come together in a loop with no beginning and no end.

The end of dualities, all of them.

You are One, you are One. We are here.

High frequencies, joy, dance at the hour of your death, dance your joy, your fear, your sorrow, essence of my being, dance dance dance dance. Bare feet on sacred ground, dance my prayer, dance dance dance dance.


Rainbow, rainbow tribe, my planetary family, all languages, all colors, all species, dance dance dance.

the day you don't come right back

dear friends...
we are entering a time of mourning, grief work.
For everything, human and non-human. The extinction of species and our fears, our belonging to the living like others.
And the return of all these consciousnesses and emotions, the sensitive one in its rightful place, just like us.
Strong as a mountain and sensitive as a newborn baby.
All this is a rite of passage, a vision quest in which some will perish.
It's likely to last, the night is likely to thicken, taking one day, one hour, one moment at a time.
and we'll see. We'll see.
Please be gentle and show kindness to yourself. And others.
We are moving forward together into a great unknown and a radical, necessary transformation.
This time it's not optional, it's not an idea, it's not an exercise, it's now and we're here in the first wave. Humanity shaken upon itself.
it's now, listen... please listen.
you are loved, all is well, we're going somewhere good.

day of distress

Go outside, where the pure resource of Being is, where the center and the whole are no different, where it's simple...

Find the whole forest sick, the big ones, the medium ones, the small ones, all the species, eaten by a parasite, a tree virus! there... The whole forest... Dead standing...

Are we really behind this?

What's going to happen... My God. And now, yes, I'm scared, and hurting, and doubting deep inside.

Ancestors, guardians, great pacifists who die there in silence, already dead. They will fall in the next storm. And there'll be no shadow, no air, nothing to keep the mountain from collapsing too. So I'm saddened by the noises of white people who, again and again, are the center of their own little world, flailing about on the web and expressing themselves indiscriminately.

No more. Quiet, please.

At least that ... at least a little dignity there



Ancestor Trauma... Calling on the ancestors for help, for Africa, Nepal, here, there, all of us.

WE ALL. We are ONE.

memories in the DNA...

who finally come up for treatment.


Take care of your humanity.

Now is the time.


Memories of plague, memories of world war, memories of cholera epidemics, memories of burning at the stake, apartheid, genocide, collective memory.

A collective memory in the DNA, at the heart of the cells, that goes right back!

Thanks, being able to deal with ancestral trauma, thank you.



World War 3 may be the war of collective healing...

Leaving behind violence, jealousy and fear, leaving behind the trauma that prevents us from entering the age of consciousness.

"Heroism may not be what you think it is", everything is prophecy, everything makes sense, we've been so well prepared... have faith, seize your chance, don't miss out.

Noosphere, as we've already discussed, takes an unexpected form. It can only come from the unexpected.

Sphere of collective consciousness all around the globe, for the first time ever, this time this "war" is truly global, not a post-colonial Eurocentric story. This time global consciousness is activated, for healing, our healing, this species so precious to the world.

Even through death, the dead. This time to authorize liberation, to rise, to leave no one behind, to choose, today, to Be Human together. The Two Legs, Those who walk upright. We, Please help me, help us.

Don't fight, don't fight, don't flee, don't avoid, be with it, let it pass through, inclusive, ecosystem of relationships, dare to welcome even that, even that which could well kill you, also living this form of virus Being, let it pass through, please help us, help us, thank you. Ancestral healing knowledge. Call on the support of the ancestors, get back with it, in front of behind, now. We, One, All.


spotted woodpecker day

go up, follow the animal track.... Following the trail as, being, animal. I remember, yes, yes yes, I know I know, thank you ...

words change, everything changes. Before your eyes everything changes...


Woodpecker, ignoring me. Sublime punishment.






Its rightful place

Within the family of beings.

"Get away from the noise

Say your prayers

Drink more water


day 3

THIS morning...

what day is it?

This morning, the sun shines on the east face of Besso, high up there. Where I look, so far from what my hand can reach, touch with my eyes.

A squirrel runs along the fence just ahead, its silhouette a shadowy woodland bandit.

The chickadees that almost come into the house...

As if I were already better, as if it wasn't so urgent to miss these things.

In the end it's true, it's all about love, the chance to find yourself pure and fearless.

Pure is a short, light word. Fear is like very strong, scathing. Just a matter of the order of the letters. Even the words seem to be cleaning up, taking on a life of their own. Even the words come out of the concept a little to become animal again, like me, like us.

It's a big blue day. I can't remember the name of the day. Reinvent that too. Today could have no name, so that it happens from time to time, a day without a name.

a big kiss


day 2

As if everyone was angry today... me too.

Climbing up the big wooden ladder against the front of the chalet, unhooking the little Poya cows and gluing them back on with white wood glue. Taking care. Of yourself. Everything. Life itself. Powerful and fragile, ephemeral.

Walk to the deer house, the steep slope, the ice of old avalanches... Don't fall, not now, don't slip, don't hurt yourself, not now.

An unprecedented impression of the need to take care of oneself at this moment. Avoid contaminating others, avoid humans.

Intime animal qui s'ébroue, the title of my book, Intime animal... Then the title changed, it's now called Seule la beauté sauvage nous sauvera. I think it's time to start writing it...

take care of yourself


Day 1

follow the trail



everything to relearn

thank you
