Deep Ecology

"I am a human observing Nature."

"I am a human being observed by Nature."

"I am a human observing Nature and being observed by Nature." (*)



The link between ourselves and the world, nature, the wild, the earth that carries us and welcomes us,

our wild and free place... intimate and shared.


The ecology of oneself, at the heart of oneself... How can we break the dissociation between man and nature, hearing once again that we are one, with tenderness, with respect, with joy, in this sacred bond that our ancestors have long understood without having to explain it?

It's time for us here to restore that link, urgently, diligently, passionately, tenderly.

How can we imagine a society that does not know how to take care of its land? How can we imagine beings who would not be deeply saddened to see the place that welcomes them die?

Maybe it's that natural need to belong and join, in the heart of the living, in the heart of nature, and never turn back.

Deep ecology* is a vast movement, taught in North American universities and practiced by activists around the world and in Europe. Based on simple principles of reconnection and wisdom, it includes the evidence of a world where all beings are interconnected. "By all my relations", as the Amerindians say. We are the ones we've been waiting for...

Medicine walks, vision quests, reading nature signs and nature spirits are rituals of deep ecology. We need to reconnect with the world that surrounds and inhabits us. Deep ecology is a source of immense hope: to reconnect, generously, naturally, now.


*The term Deep ecology comes from the philosopher Arne Naess who, in 1973, coined the term to describe an ecology that would respect all living things equally.

His concept is also intended to reflect an internalization of the implications of ecology. It assumes that when we identify with all forms of life, alienation fades. "I protect the rainforest" becomes "I am a part of the rainforest protecting itself. I am that element of the rainforest in which thought has recently appeared."

The semantic device is posited in three different directions: ego-realization; self-realization; Self-realization.

  1. Ego fulfillment: In the common parlance of industrialized countries, the term "self-actualization" is generally used to designate what is known as "ego fulfillment". This way of expressing oneself underlies a certain ambient competition.
  2. Self-realization: Another assumption is that individuals become more and more compatible as they mature. Spinoza develops this in his "Ethics". The small child's narrow ego will gradually expand towards the group, and then to an understanding capable of embracing the totality of human beings.
  3. Self-realization: Deep ecology goes a step further, positing that self-realization is an unfolding of the individual's identification with the totality of life forms.


In short, find out more about ecopsychology.

In practice:


-Ceremonies and Practices in Nature


-Healing Nature


-Nuit de Vision (Switzerland, individual coaching)

Re-enchantment (...): the ability to look at the world anew with sacred eyes.
We're talking about a fundamental philosophical shift here. (...) the most radical criticism we can make is to challenge our society on its mystical and poetic values, and let the flood of our unfulfilled desire flow again.

-Paule Lebrun-