NATURE QUEST - Living with the World July 15 to July 20, 2024

NATURE QUEST - Living with the World July 15 to July 20, 2024

Sympoiesis simply means doing with, or being gracious to, others.

The living are all active, they do; but what they do implies, presupposes or creates relationships with each other. They are involved with each other. And together, they make worlds.

A forest is a world, a coral reef is a world.

It was with this biology that Donna Haraway opened up a mid-place change, a new freedom to think with and not in spite of.

Isabelle Strengers

"It's usually at the edges, where the great tectonic plates of theory meet and shift, that we find the most spectacular developments and upheavals. When the four tectonic plates of liberation theory - those concerning oppressions of gender, race, class and nature - finally meet, the resulting tremors could shake the conceptual structures of oppression to their foundations."

Val Plumwood

July 15 to 20, 2024

Nature Quest - Living with the World.


Deep Ecology - Rite of Passage - Council - Animism - Nature Connection


Following in Haraway's footsteps, stay and be with the trouble. 6 days of deep connection with nature and the elements. Listen to the River, the Forest Beings, Fire, Air and Earth.

A loving, sensual, physical, corporeal Earth. To feel, touch, dance, meet. To become indigenous again, to become of this land.

For this week, we'll be sleeping and eating outside, talking in circles, listening...

This deep ecology program based on the medicine wheel of human nature includes a 24h00 solo in the forest with a common intention.

It's a week of practical rites of passage, in which we listen to the living, and together we make World in an ecosystem of reciprocal relationships.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.





530,- chf for accompaniment

80,- chf for food, we all cook together over the fire. Please contact us if this fee prevents you from participating.

Deposit of 230,- chf - non-refundable - to be paid on registration, balance to be paid in cash on site (please bring exact balance). Deposits are payable into the account of theAssociation pour les Rites de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.


Monday noon July 15 to Saturday noon July 20


To be confirmed




Our tools

  • council
  • medicine wheel of human nature, 4 shields
  • rite of passage, 24-hour solo in the forest (vision fast)
  • poetry of Being
  • outdoor and community living
  • working with dreams
  • drumming trips


Number of people

Maximum 12 people



We will send you an equipment list after registration



This week is open to all, but you must consider sleeping outdoors and rustic living conditions.



We will organize ourselves in the Ethic of Care. All animal and plant species have an inherent right to exist, and wild nature must be respected, whatever its usefulness to man.

Environmental ethics that incorporate paradigms of caring conceive of environmental harms and the exploitation of nonhuman animals as failures to extend caring to worthy others and see those failures in relation to similar failures to care for other people. all species of animals and plants have an inherent right to exist and that wilderness should be protected irrespective of its usefulness to humans.


With whom?

Carine's page








Registration registered after payment of a deposit of 230,- chf to the Rite de passage association account.

Association Rite de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1Chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland.


©georgia o'keeffe

"In the stories of the Chthulucene, unlike the dramatic stories that dominate the discourse on the Anthropocene and the Capitalocene, human beings are not protagonists among other beings, merely reacting. The order is knitted together: human beings are with and of the Earth [...]".

Becoming an Earthling means learning to deal with the biotic and abiotic powers that have inhabited the air, sea and land for far longer than we humans have. Thinking and acting with disorder means thinking and acting with these beings who make us live and die, who live and die with us. To explore this transformation of the human into an earthling, Haraway proposes a number of puns that explain this logic of "terraformation": from human, we become humus; we become compost, rather than posthuman.

"Think, we must," Haraway tells us, following in the footsteps of Isabelle Stengers, Vincianne Despret and Virginia Woolf. Faced with the Grand Narrative of the Anthropocene, we need to relearn how to create ways of recovering. At a time of mass extinctions and migrations (climatic, political, etc.), how can we mourn and offer refuge?

How can we rekindle a fertile, concrete imagination to live together? How can we live with disorder on a damaged and powerful Earth?

Imagination as a threshold.

"Going on a visit, practicing curiosity, becoming a traveler rather than a warrior: these are just some of the images Haraway offers us to confront these questions. What these figures all have in common is their rejection of the reductive, macho, heteronormative, colonial and racist iconography of the West; they also encourage us to move away from the postures of the self-made man and the insensitive civil servant obeying only abstract norms.

N. Delforge 

Origin by Kiana Rawji

This is just the beginning.

As I stand here,
watching waves course between shores
like blood,

I think maybe there is a reason
that my skin is Indian brown
but my veins are Indianocean blue.

And I do not know why I am at sea,
what brought me to this vessel
or where I am going

but then maybe I never knew,
maybe I was born here,

maybe the salt in my tears
is proof that my body was made
from the salt in the sea,

maybe ocean is my origin.