la petite biblio

websites and reference documents related to our activities

Here is a series of links to websites and documents:

And to listen, read, see, reflect, be inspired ... the great and great little voices of Western thought about deep ecology, our relationships, links and the future past, if possible...

Sharing information and resources to cope with what comes, what is.

Animal solidarity in response toeco-anxiety and fear, standing together in our humanity.

Pictures by Sophie Alyz


in images on the web, our friend and colleague Laurent Huguelit in an intervention about drumming journeys for Inrees: Tambour et voyage chamanique.

Excerpt from the 2012 documentary film with Ulla Strassle: Chacun cherche son chaman (Everyone seeks his shaman)

and for the record, Jean Kounen's film about his experience with sacred plants: Other Worlds


to listen!


to listen to and watch:

"lets dance with hope