THE SOUL OF THE WORLD - sacred activism october 11-12-13, 2024

L'AME DU MONDE - sacred activism october 11-12-13, 2024

Celebrating the soul of the world

Animated creativity workshop.

Carine Roth avec la participation exceptionnelle de Sébastien Guenot


Nature connection - Sacred Art - Creativity - Animism - Nature Intelligence - Rite of passage

Dancing the disappearance, facing the melting glacier, the roaring gallop of water down the mountain, while the trees thirst and the rock opens and collapses. Something calls out, reminds us, of the Soul of the World and how our ancestors and the vast majority of animist humanity in this world have contributed and participated in the balance and harmony of life through art and ritual.

Can we imagine our bodies and our hearts, our poetry and our love of life answering this call?

Can we draw on the great Imaginary, on creativity, on art, on the sacredness of nature, a possible belonging, a possible myth of creation that is neither plausible nor rational, and above all not utilitarian?

Can we, through our performances, our self-giving, our listening, our gestures that honor, awaken other narratives of respect and right relationship with the world?

What if this era was a huge rite of passage for the human community?

In our rites of passage work we use the 4 shields medicine wheel, based on the model of The school of Lost Bordersby Meredith Little and Steven Foster. To the east of this wheel is creativity, art, chaos, the great mystery. To the east is the unknown that renews the cycle of life, of living and dying. Without this artistic and spiritual dimension, our wheel is out of balance. Without the East and art in the service of the sacred, we find ourselves alone and helpless in the face of the phenomenal changes that are taking place, and the changes to which we must consent, using our imagination and creativity.

It won't happen without the artists, dreamers, creators, imaginers, shamans and Healers of every culture. It won't happen without our full participation.

Come together to honor our mountains and glaciers here, to dance them, sing them, weep them, honor them with our bodies, voices, radical joy, images and stories.

Opening up ceremonial space to humbly contribute to the dialogue with the soul of the world. At the edges, at the lips of the abyss, at the edge of reality, of the visible and the invisible, where everything shudders and expresses itself. Go and stand there. Where the breath of life caresses the world, where you melt into the intimacy of the living, where you express your love through your gaze on everything and every moment, where you honor the soul of the world that vibrates in you as it does in all beings, tangible and invisible.

Going through the looking glass.... Seeing from the other side of things

Re-learning to "dream with". Take up again our work as humans who celebrate, that of poets, artists, painters, musicians, dreamers... of everything in us that speaks of Beauty and questions itself with a mad curiosity in love with life, which generates new narratives, out of frame, out of the norm, in the flow that carries us towards a horizon of possibilities.






We'll be in Terreveil at Madhu's in Valais, in the Val d'Hérens, on the path of the oldest larch trees...

Price list:

Pour l’encadrement et le matériel, 200 à 330,- chf selon tes moyens et possibilités.

Deposit of 150,- chf - non-refundable - to be paid on registration, balance to be paid in cash on site (please bring exact balance). Deposits are payable into the account of the Association pour les Rites de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.

For full-board accommodation (healthy vegetarian food, prepared with love; organic, seasonal food): 

285,- per person for accommodation in a shared room, room and board.
(A single room is available for 325,-)


Nous avons rdv le vendredi à 17h00, souper à 19h30. Nous finirons dimanche autour des 16h00.

We'll give Madhu a hand to take care of the place and prepare meals.


by email:

A big welcome!

"So you have to appear in your life and you have to appear in the life of the world. And the life of the world is not a shopping mall and the life of the world is not a problem to be solved by economists or scientists because it's not done that way. It's not a computer-generated model. Just as you're not a computer-generated model. You're not a statistic. It's always this relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. That spark that goes from your consciousness - your heart - to the heart of the world. It's so simple, so primary, just as everything in the spiritual life is primary.

Like what happenswith a human being, it's called awakening, tauba, the turning of the heart - that moment in human incarnation when that spark is given to you . It's an act of grace. And suddenly, your whole life changes. A spark is put inside you. It's very beautiful how it's done. It comes from the Higher Self. At a particular moment in your incarnation, the Higher Self is allowed to give you a certain energy. And after that spark - that twinkle - that spark, that infusion of divine energy - you can call it grace, you're not the same person anymore. Something inside you has awakened. There's this light, there's this hope, there's this sunshine in your eyes - it's incredibly beautiful - the most precious moment. I know when it happened to me when I was 16, and suddenly the whole world was there. Like it had always been and I'd never seen it before. Full of light, full of beauty. And all you have to do is be present and say yes. Be present in your life and in the life of the world. The life of the world as it belongs to the soul of the world. And it's alive. It's here now. Because we've forgotten it for so long. And it's waiting to wake up." Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee - full text


In partnership with RoP, Association for NATURE-based rites of passage


The magnificent voice ofArisika Razak at the Afrikan Wisdom Summit - and the importance of sacred art on the African continent as an act of relationship and conversation with ancestors past and future:

Highlights of this audio:

  • Communicating love, hope and gratitude through ritual arts
  • Showing the interconnection of all sentient beings
  • The significance of masks, statues and sculptures
  • The connection of ritual arts to spirits and ancestors
  • Integrating ritual arts into our daily lives.