Healing Nature (Ecotherapy and Deep Ecology treatments)

In Rites of Passage work, we understand the importance of being able to celebrate, understand and integrate the milestones of our existence.

Making sense of what happens to us appears to be a vital component of the human psyche. Beyond our mind or our ego, connecting with ourselves and the world, connecting with something greater than ourselves and feeling that we belong to and participate in the Whole is an invaluable support for acting and being fully alive. Taking hold of our own history rather than being subjected to it, apprehending it without judgment or alienating guilt, but on the contrary extracting from it the learning strength and resources thus revealed to enable us to move forward on our feet, free and responsible for our actions and our destiny.

In this essential, ancient and natural work, Nature will be our guide and teacher. Nature, which surrounds us and constitutes us at the most intimate level of our cells. Nature nourishes us, allowing us to breathe, drink, walk, dream, dress and find ourselves. Her intelligence that strives for harmony.

Nature also supports and welcomes us in these modern times of great personal and collective upheaval.

Reconnecting, restoring this relationship, with ourselves as well as with others and the place that shelters us here on this earth, is an urgent necessity.

I'm happy to accompany you on this journey of discovery and emancipation.

And I invite you to come and set an intention, mark a passage in life or support a change in your existence through ceremony and contact with Nature.

For this individual guidance, we will use the tools of the Rite of Passage and the Medicine Wheel.


In practice:

  • 2 appointments, one indoors and one outdoors.

The first appointment is for us to meet and assess your needs, and to design the ceremony together. The second appointment is to go into Nature, into the great outdoors, for a medicine walk, to find your resources and listen for signs and messages.

  • The fee is 100,-chf for the in-office session or 80,-chf for the video session. It takes about 1h00. And from 240,- to 380,- chf for the meeting on location, this is a free price scale depending on the length of the meeting, your financial means and what you consider a fair price for the support received, count half a day or a minimum of 3h00. It's a time you give yourself. The space at the center of yourself, where you can slow down and find yourself.
  • The indoor meeting place is in Vevey, and we then agree on an outdoor location for your medicine walk.

If desired, a third meeting can be arranged at a later date to integrate the change and the new steps.

Request information and book your first appointment by email :


Looking forward to our journey together,


Accepting the sacred dimension of our individual, temporary and fragile being... (Gary Snyder)