HOT STONE HUT November 2-3, 2024 - Samhain

HOT STONE HUT November 2 and 3, 2024 - Samhain

"La Hutte des Pierres Chaudes" (The Hot Stone Hut)

This November, it's time for the festival of Samhain - which marks the beginning of the dark season (for the ancient Celts, the year was made up of two fundamental seasons: a dark season and a light season). Samhain is a festival of transition - the passage from one year to the next - and of opening to theOther World, that of gods and souls in transition. A time when the veil is lifted between worlds, between the living and those in transition, a time to care for departed loved ones and ancestors. The feast of Samhain is mentioned in many Irish epic tales because, by definition, it is a time of magical and mythical events.

On November 2 and 3, the hut welcomes us to cleanse, purify, pray, sing, honor our ancestors and the earth, and pass through the portal that allows us to renew our vows to life.

This ceremonial space is open to women and queer people.




Saturday, November 2 at 12:30 p.m. to Sunday, November 3 at 10 a.m.

The hut will take place at Ressource-Nature, in Châtelneuf, France, about 30 minutes from the Swiss border.

The price of CHF 150 includes dinner, overnight accommodation, breakfast, hut ceremony and wood.

Registration by email

Arrhes de 100,- chf -non remboursable- à verser au moment de l’inscription, le solde du stage est à payer sur place (merci d’amener le solde exact). Les arrhes sont à verser sur le compte de l’Association pour les Rites de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.

Nous vous demanderons également de remplir un formulaire de santé avant de valider votre inscription.


Marjorie, Laure, Carine and Marie-Christine


"If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light."

- Rumi