desert and snow ©carine roth

desert and snow carine roth

Snow took away the city

took away roads and destinations

it even took away sounds


heart beat

blood pulse

there s not such thing as silence


a pure cristal is turning in the air

in all it’s ancient knowledge and impenetrable coldeness




just as your precious being

your heart

your tender arms

our intimacy

will soon be unreachable

back to the realm of unrevealed dreams of Love


We need a ceremony

i need a ceremony

To give each other warm clothes for the soul

as a new journey is starting

To aknowledge the separation

as your steps are carring you away and no longer towards me


A good-bye farwell ceremony

as our link across universe is gently untyiding in silence


In silence

in the deafening sound of heart beats and blood pulsing

gently letting your hand goes away and find mine empty


Palm to Palm

Back to Back

to consider moving towards the unknown and walk alone


One step at a time


In slow motion





bon voyage à toi