DANCE AND SHAMANISM Cycle from April 13 to October 27, 2024

DANCE AND SHAMANISM Cycle from April 13 to October 27, 2024

During the few months of the Cycle, we take you on an encounter with what constitutes us, our essence, stardust animated by a breath. The cycle is an invitation to connect with a practice that brings us back to the simplicity of belonging to the living, and feeling it in our bodies and hearts.



Carine Roth and Marie Christine Chauvy

In 2016, my friend Marie-Christine and I discuss creating a seminar that explores in depth not only the power of the elements and their healing quality, but also how to integrate this personal medicine, through movement and dance, through group and ceremony. The 2016 cycle was a real success, and we decided to continue the experiment.

Since 2019, the cycle has evolved into an invitation to study and practice self-generated rituals and element-specific diets . An adventure, an apprenticeship, lasting several months, that takes us to the frontiers of matter and to the heart of cellular understanding. What connects us, what holds us together and constitutes us.

Thanks to shamanic journeys, each person receives a live ritual for each of the 5 elements - water, air, earth, fire and ether. They are invited to practice this ritual over several weeks and observe the positive effects on their health and emotions. At the end of the cycle, we link up all the elements of the wheel to harmonize this stage and integrate this new way of being in the world and in touch with the living.

It's individual and group work. The strength of the group supports each exploration.

It's an important job that requires commitment. Interested parties will be asked to sign up for the entire 6-meeting cycle, plus personal work between meetings.

Cycle dates 2024:

April 13-14 (overnight in hotel),

May 5,

June 9,

August 11,

September 8, 

October 27.

The cycle takes place on the Col du Marchairuz,

schedule 10:00-17:00.

Each day will be devoted to one element, and the time between meetings to personal study and practice.

Price: 690,- francs for the whole cycle of 6 meetings plus lunch at 30 chf.

Deposits and registrations: your registration is validated after you have contacted me by email and paid a deposit of 200,- chf to ccp 10-117315-3. IBAN : CH34 0900 0000 1011 7315 3, carine roth, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.

Maximum group size: 12 people.

Prefor this workshop: be able to travel with a drum and have a good relationship with at least one main ally from the subtle worlds.

Individual initiation available on request from

Discovering the subtle worlds

(see: Harner Shamanic Counselling)


Further information and registration by email to: .

Who we are....

therapist and teacher of the 5 rhythms dance.
Fss shamanic practitioner, Nature and Forest therapy guide.

why do you dance?

Dance to celebrate what makes you alive, what carries you, what manifests your essence and your humanity. Why do you dance? Who do you dance for? To whom do you dedicate your steps on this earth, these steps that dance on the earth....


"The Elements dance cycle had a profound effect on me, and gave me valuable experiences that still nourish me today. I felt accompanied throughout with respect and kindness. I loved the mix of shamanic practice, 5-element dance and rituals. The personal work that is required during the circle is paramount and taking this time for oneself allows one to benefit from a beautiful harvest at the end 😉 Between moments spent in nature outside or in the spaces inside, the world of the middle and the subtle spaces... being in search of learning more about ourselves and what surrounds us... what more could one ask for to advance on one's path?" - SQ, Cycle 2023 participant