In the eye of the storm, a calm and peaceful center emerges on the night... ©carine roth

In the eye of the storm, a calm and peaceful center emerges over the night... carine roth

Raising the question of the Center...

The Nemo point on nautical charts, from the Latin nemo, person, is the maritime pole of inaccessibility... i.e. the point in the ocean furthest from any land surface.

Afterwards, on the inside, beyond, would the Centre be a point of dissolution?

The place from which you radiate.

A simple point called the center, where you would lose all bearings, where attention to your own survival would fade away in favor of a sensation of dissolution and immensity.

At once individual and unique, yet universal, the precise point of perception through matter and pure presence, and at once the capture of eternity and loss.

A center always in motion, never static, the exact place of dissolution into the One, the all, the great mystery. The place where I am conscious of being conscious, but where I no longer matter. A form of Kouan. I know that I know that I know nothing.

Could it be the place of eternity accessible only by taking the measure of my own disappearance?

A point where everything I perceive flows through me, manifests itself through me, but where I lose all meaning.

A place from which I can feel everything without becoming attached to anything.

A point of profound humanity...