COYOTE MENTORING (full with waiting list) May 5-6, 2023

COYOTE MENTORING (full with waiting list) May 5-6, 2023

Coyote Mentoring

friday may 5 to saturday may 6


Ceux d'ici and RoP, association for the RITES OF PASSAGE,

invite Lien De Coster


Join us for a two-day introduction into Coyote Mentoring.

Two-day introduction to Coyote Mentoring.

This nature-based educational approach developed by Jon Young and the Wilderness Awareness School is rooted in the sense of wonder that we all hold as children. The introduction will provide you with tools to open people up to a heightened nature awareness, a deeper connection to self and community, and the importance of culture.

This nature-based educational approach developed by Jon Young and the Wilderness Awareness School is rooted in the sense of wonder we all feel as children. This introduction will provide you with tools to open people up to a heightened awareness of nature, a deeper connection to self and community, and the importance of the culture in which we live.


Expect to learn about

  • Routines for nature connection - Practices for deep connection to nature
  • Integrating cultural elements like story and song - Intégration d'éléments culturels comme les récits et les chants
  • Designing your workshops in a coyote way - Concevoir vos ateliers façon coyote
  • The art of questioning - L'art du questionnement
  • The 8 shields model - Le modèle des 8 boucliers
  • Bird language - Le language des Oiseaux


Do you sometimes struggle with keeping people's attention when holding a workshop? Do you feel like the people you work with loose interest after a while?

Coyote mentoring offers a radically different way to educate than the classical information-based approach. Through sparking people's curiosity throughout the process you re-awaken their innate drive to learn and expand their awareness.

Without realizing they are taken on a learning experience which is both fun and deep for them and for you!

Do you sometimes find it hard to keep people's attention during a workshop?

Do you feel that the people you work with lose interest after a while?

Coyote Mentoring offers a radically different way of educating than the classic information-based approach. By engaging people's curiosity throughout the process, you awaken their innate desire to learn and expand their awareness.

Without realizing it, they're on board for a learning experience that's both fun and profound, for them and for you!






For whom

  • For anyone who is excited about having an embodied experience of coyote mentoring and an understanding of how to work with it.
  • For anyone who is educating, training or space holding.


For whom

  • For all those who are keen to experience Coyote Mentoring and understand how to work with this model.
  • For anyone educating, training or holding space for others.


Coyote mentoring is especially nice to apply when you are working with groups over a longer amount of time and you have the chance to include one-on-one time with your participants.

Coyote Mentoring is particularly enjoyable when you're working with groups over a longer period and have the opportunity to include one-to-one time with your participants.

Benefits of Deep Connection, according to Jon Young :

Happinesschildlike wonder, curiosity and innocent joy,

Vitalitya feeling of an abundance of energy in the body,

FocusCapacity to listen to others unconditionally and mentoring,

 Empathyfor people and other living beings,

 VisionaryA deep ethic born of conscious awareness of our interdependence with all others resulting in a commitment to service to others, the future generations, conservation, sustainability and regenerative living principles,

AlivenessIncreased sense of gratitude and appreciation for life itself,

LoveGreater capacity for understanding, compassion and forgiveness, and

PresenceAccess to greater creativity and a quiet mind.


Lien De Coster (she/they) has been involved in coyote mentoring since 2012 through the Art of Mentoring weeks in the UK and a wide range of events held in this spirit, from 8 shields introductions to permaculture design courses. Lien guides rites of passage into adulthood for queer teenagers and holds sitouts, contemporary European vision fasts. Originally from Belgium Lien now lives on a beautiful island at the Swedish west coast and is passionate about rediscovering the old European ways and creating culturally appropriate space.

They among others studied northwestern shamanism in the Netherlands with Linda Wormhoudt and mythology with dr. Martin Shaw.

More info:

Lien De Coster (she/they) has been involved in Coyote Mentoring since 2012 through Art of Mentoring weeks in the UK and a wide range of events organized in this spirit, from introductions to the 8 Shields model to permaculture design courses. Lien guides rites of passage to adulthood for queer teenagers and organizes sitouts in nature, a vision fast in the ancient European tradition. Originally from Belgium, Lien now lives on a beautiful island on the Swedish west coast and is passionate about rediscovering ancient European customs and creating a culturally appropriate space.

Lien studied Northwestern shamanism in the Netherlands with Linda Wormhoudt and mythology with Dr. Martin Shaw.


Prices and Logistic

Teaching begins on Friday mornings at 9:00 am and ends on Saturday evenings at around 8:00 pm,

Saturday evening dinner is followed by an evening around the fire and a second night in the hut (optional).

We cook simple, tasty vegetarian meals together. Everyone brings their own food.

Please arrive on time on Friday morning!


The workshop is in French, but can be translated into English.


Prices for teaching: price range from 220,- chf to 360,- chf


Prices for accommodation and venue:

Lodging, depending on the number of people, consider 100,- chf per person and everyone brings food to share.

We'll be staying in a cabin in the Jura mountains near the Vallée de Joux.


We will provide a list of equipment, such as sleeping bag and flashlight.

Car pooling recommended.



Places are limited to 8 people.

A deposit of 150,- chf guarantees your registration, the balance of the course is to be paid in cash on site (please bring the exact balance with you).

Deposit payable to Association pour les Rites de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1, Banque Alternative Suisse, Association RoP, Rue du Port-Franc 11, cp 161, 1001 Lausanne.

Please contact me to find out if there are any vacancies.



in partnership with RoP, Association for NATURE-based rites of passage