
Creation / 19.09.2020

Do not ever tame your passion for life "the world is waiting for you, it is hungry for you " This wild, essential, animal life force. This flame against all odds. The immensity of the work of healing, necessary for this culture, this us too small to dare include the unknown and the strange, the "infamiliar". Otherness, without which there can be no encounter...

Creation / 22.08.2020

Silence Deafening din. Curious idleness to grasp the immensity of this moment now. Everything collides, here The great movements Twisting the rock. Eagles high in the endless sky Soundscapes of the Whales The ancestors of the world Reinvent their path What about you and me? Will we "dream further"? Where is "further"? Ecology of feeling Living The resonance of the world. Everything you...

Creation / 27.03.2020

Paradise, parà delà dire, beyond the "balbla crap" of the mind. Fear, natural, essential. Necessary. When you accept death, not just your own, that of your loved ones, those you cherish, those who are your World. The disappearance of your World. Of the World. At the source of gratitude...

Creation, Uncategorized / 06.03.2020

How to move forward without recovering, without repairing, without "forgiving give, everything, once again, always, again. Study of behaviors, of oneself, of the Self. How to continue after "that". And to watch everyone struggling with this performance of being, of identity, saying I am this, I am that, I am not that, I am not...

Creation, Uncategorized / 03.01.2020

"Water of Healing, Water of Gratitude, Black Moon of Mysteries and Prayers, please, thank you, Please nourish the peace at the center of my heart, the authentic and the simple, the one that gives joy and balance, in full health, please cleanse the shadows of the past and reveal the...

Creation / 19.10.2019

  "I remember and at the same time I forgot" Falling into oblivion, body of light, transcendence. Cosmic being of the future past, translucent, whose feathered bones and immense heart are all that can be seen, taking up all the space, stripped of all other attributes and trappings. This source point...

Creation / 20.09.2019

This space infinite - tesimal Between two heartbeats. Between the shores of the great blue whales In the Garden of Ancestors This delicate silence, breath that holds back Where to grasp what holds you That tender, subtle space Where the wave finishes hugging the shore just before it chooses to retreat Bones...

Creation / 04.07.2019

"I am the one who walks Between worlds On the crest of magic and the incarnate I am she who dreams Fertilizes the cold Universe and gives birth to joyful stars I am she who sees Beyond and here I am she who embraces and forgives What has no name I...

Creation / 05.06.2019

Resilience; ability of a (system or organism to collect internal or external shocks and deploy its own resources or values in response to a crisis. THE PROJECT stability commitment understanding sharing joy intelligent, living ecosystem of relationships outside competitive patterns Interspecific competition Instead of competition between species, the...

Creation, Uncategorized / 03.05.2019

*THE SOUL OF THE WORLD is a majestic figure in ancient philosophy. Plato, in the Timaeus, says she played an essential role in the genesis of the cosmos, giving it proportion, harmony and unity. It is identified with divinity itself. A universal binder, it gives the world...