ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION - with Siphelele Chirwa (South Africa) September 6 to 8, 2024 - Jura, Switzerland

ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION - with Siphelele Chirwa (South Africa) September 6 to 8, 2024 - Jura, Switzerland

Ancestral Reconciliation

September 6 to 8, 2024, Jura, Switzerland


with Siphelele Chirwa and Carine Roth


How could we imagine regenerating our connection to the world and to living things without inviting our ancestors and their wisdom into the conversation?

How can we envisage lasting peace and harmonious relationships without inviting our ancestors, past and future, to join us and support us in the necessary process of healing our relationships?

In the company of Siphelele Chirwa, a native of South Africa, we open a space to explore our links to the beings who walked this earth before us and, if we ourselves manage to become good ancestors, to the beings who will walk this earth after us.

What's going on in my lineage and culture that makes me who I am today and asks me to heal or regenerate what needs to be healed for a fairer world we know is possible and desirable?

We propose to dare to approach these sometimes delicate subjects - of what makes me be born here, in this hemisphere or this country, with this skin color or another, with this ancestrality and the responsibilities and consequences of the choices and actions of my forebears - and to give ourselves a space in which to stand and bring about the necessary listening and reconciliation.

Turn on the Medicine Wheel of Human Nature, the link to ancestors in the South, West, North and East.

Through ritual and Ceremony, to bring about the possibility of an encounter and the emergence of a reality restored to its roots and founded on more just relationships. In reciprocity, responsibility, strength and beauty, to cultivate within ourselves the possibility of a larger, fairer world.

And thanks to this collective process, we can give new meaning to our existence and assume our responsibilities in extraordinary times, by letting ourselves be guided by the stories we tell ourselves and share together.

Join us for 3 exceptional days in the company of someone who can connect worlds and encourage us to grow.





Friday, September 6, 4:00 pm to Sunday, September 8, 5:00 pm


We'll be lucky enough to hold this seminar at the straw house in Essertfallon, Jura.

It's possible to arrive by public transport, and we can also arrange car pooling.

Our tools

  • council practice
  • the medicine wheel of human nature, the 4 shields
  • the wisdom of ancestors and an understanding of rites of passage
  • sacred ceremonial space and rituals
  • our personal, collective and cross-cultural experiences
  • our courage, strength of heart, and integrity


The workshop will be given in English and French


We will organize ourselves in the Ethic of Care. All animal and plant species have an inherent right to exist, and wild nature must be respected, regardless of its usefulness to man. We approach the sensitive subjects of social justice, privilege, structural racism and white domination with respect and kindness, engaging together in a responsible process that respects our differences and takes into account our collective history and the consequences of colonization on oppressed, racialized or minoritized beings and bodies. We enter into ceremony together with the desire to stand with the disorder and not to victimize or stigmatize, and with the strength of the group to create a courageous space for questioning.


280,- chf for accompaniment

170,- chf contribution to the cost of food and accommodation for the two nights, we will all cook together.

Please contact us if this fee prevents you from participating!

Deposit of 180,- chf - non-refundable - to be paid on registration, balance to be paid in cash on site (please bring exact balance). Deposits are payable into the account of theAssociation pour les Rites de Passage, IBAN CH16 0839 0039 1577 1000 1, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.

With whom?


Siphelele Chirwa comes from a family of Sangomas (traditional healers) and speaks 9 of South Africa's 11 official languages. She began working with nature-based rites of passage in 2003, after completing guide training at The School of Lost Borders in California. Since then, she has developed and organized numerous courses on rites of passage for young South Africans.

Siphelele lives in South Africa's Langa, Cape Town's oldest township, with her family and is deeply committed to the development of her community. She sits on the board of several NGOs and works tirelessly to train young citizen activists and improve the living conditions of racialized people in South Africa.

Today, she is the CIO of a national organization called ACTIVATE!

Siphelele has always been interested in human rights and grassroots activism. Her passion began in high school as an environmental activist working on youth issues. She went on to work for Educo Africa as one of the few black female Rite of Passage guides in the wilderness.

Siphelele loves reading, cooking and watching documentaries, especially on National Geographic.

Her superpower is to make her son believe she can do anything.

She's sure of it!


Carine Roth studied shamanism with Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies in Switzerland.

She has completed her practice by traveling - notably to Mexico among the Huichol Indians - but also to Guatemala, Iceland, Mongolia, Canada, Tuva (Siberia), the USA and South Africa.

She did her wilderness rite-of-passage guide training with The School of Lost Borders in California in 2016 and still works with Meredith Little - as an assistant for her programs.

She is also certified in Harner Shamanic Counseling (HSC)®.

Her path in this work is to make the link between humans and non-humans, visible and invisible, in the service of harmony between people and the natural world. She offers healing practices and leads workshops and rites of passage in Switzerland and abroad. Born in 1971 and originally from Europe, she speaks French and English.

Find out more about Carine's work


"Reconciliation means becoming one with the land, ancestral cultures, local communities, and oneself. It's about healing and aligning with nature and community.

Reciprocity' is not just a principle; it's a transformative force - a journey towards oneness with the land, ancestral cultures, local communities, and our inner selves. Together they go beyond mere exchange; they embody a profound healing and alignment with nature and community.

It underscores that true reciprocity can only flourish in an environment where reconciliation prevails, where every interaction is an act of giving and receiving in harmony, fostering a balanced and thriving ecosystem. This emphasis on reconciliation as a loving force highlights its critical role in nurturing genuine reciprocity, ensuring that our engagements and contributions are deeply connected and mutually beneficial."

Ernesto van Peborgh