NATURE QUEST / VISION FAST - Switzerland July 15 to 23, 2023

NATURE QUEST / VISION FAST - Switzerland July 15 to 23, 2023

3 days 3 nights solo - Jura.

July 15 to 23, 2023.

Guido Albertelli and Carine Roth


Rite of passage for modern times - Animist practice - Applied deep ecology.

Off the beaten track, at the heart of the experience of being connected, of being part of, of belonging to... this world, the living, Nature, made up of living beings and a set of relationships, interdependencies, collaborations, exchanges...

A practice in bonding and deep listening.

Free our minds, with urgency, to plunge our eyes into what surrounds us with all the capacity and quality of the consciousness that we carry and that animates us.

Are you looking for a rite of passage based on connecting with Nature?


Would you like to rediscover your intuition and sense of what's really important to you? Explore the possibility of a change of position, a shift in perception?


That's what this Quest invites you to do, this 3-day, 3-night Vision fast in the Rizoud woods, Vallée de Joux.


Revisit our place, our choices, our freedom, our responsibilities as Human Beings, today, in the culture to which we belong.

The simplicity of an ancient ceremony that returns to support us in our necessary transformation. Isolate yourself, listen, come back and offer what's within you.

Remember the right relationship, protect the sacred, cultivate respect, marvel, care for the beauty of living things.






We'll spend the first few days of preparation in a nature hut. On the 3rd day we'll walk to the quest site, and the following morning you'll set off at dawn for your 3-day solo trek, without tent, company or food, returning at sunrise on the morning of the 4th day.

Part of the ceremony takes place in a group, in community. Another part, the solo, takes place alone in nature.

The days before the quest are dedicated to preparing your ceremony, discussing your intention and sharing teachings from the Human Nature Medicine Wheel. The days after the quest will be devoted to breaking the fast together, sharing solo stories, practicing the art of mirroring, listening to the medicine and messages received during your time alone in nature and integrating them to take back with you back into society.

You will receive a list of equipment to take with you after you register.

We provide the food, but everyone will need to bring their own equipment, suitable for days out in all weathers.

Price list:

We thought about the cost of two qualified guides, teaching, time, attendance, food, hut hire and the price we could put on such a ceremony.

We have come up with a proposal of 3 prices depending on your income and financial situation.

Price budget privilege, you can afford to pay a little more and thus support a little people with lower incomes and the ceremony in the collective: 1200,- chf

Balanced budget price, you have everything you need and you can pay the right price for these 9 days: 690,-chf

Budget price, for those who have trouble making ends meet and paying their bills: 580,-chf

We also have a non-paying place for the person who needs it.


Deposit and registration:

Your registration is validated after contacting me by email and payment of deposit of 200,- chf on ccp 10-117315-3. IBAN: CH34 0900 0000 1011 7315 3, carine roth, chemin de Renens 12, 1004 Lausanne.

A health form and a liability waiver will be sent to you to finalize your registration.

A letter of intent will be requested once registration has been confirmed.

Maximum group size: 10 people.





Our tools and lessons:

  • Human Nature Medicine Wheel
  • self-generated rituals
  • the healing power of stories
  • deep listening
  • deep-sea ecology
  • solo with Nature
  • community and sharing




Find out more about your guides:












"(...) an ecology that permeates all areas of life, human and non-human. An ecology of encounter, blurring all boundaries and preventing "automatic default modes". An ecology of action that cascades into new ways of thinking, transforms representations, reshuffles the maps of our worlds, and provides amulets in the face of catastrophe."

Marin Schaffner's foreword to Isabelle Stengers' book "Résister au désastre" (Resisting disaster)